My Demons (His Angel Trilogy #2) by Kimberly Blalock | BOOK REVIEW

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
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"Abigale Hayes has had many things ripped from her life. She‘s been broken and emotionally left to die in the darkness she’s been living in for far too long. Love finds Abby is ways she hadn't imagined would ever be possible, but so do lies and betrayal. Abby will be put in a position to protect the one man she loves and has realized without a doubt she will love forever. Evan’s love for Abby will take him to a whole new depth of darkness and dealing with those that want the love of his life for themselves will be the end of Evan and Abby. Or will it?"
My Thoughts
It's true! When I was done with the book I was literally sitting in a daze staring at the screen like an idiot and when I finally came back to my senses I wanted to scream the hell out!!
But I couldn't! Why? Because it was 12.30am when I finished the book. And I was sitting in my balcony, so yeah, you get the picture... It wouldn't have been that great.
So I did something better. I messaged Kimberly asking her whether she was serious about the ending? Because if she was, then it seriously warranted me getting on a plane and having a chat with her. A LONG chat!
And you know what was her reply??? Just take a guess.... LOL!!! No seriously. That was what she answered LOL *shakes head* Not funny Kimberly. Not funny.
If you are wondering what I'm going on about then you need to one-click this book!! But before that you need to one- click the first one! READ IT!!!
This book had every possible emotion that could be written. Hurt, anger, sadness, heartbreak, reunions, jealous alpha boyfriends and love. Lots and lots of love!! <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="">
I'm for a change not gonna say much about the book, like I did for the first one. There needs to be some mystery.
If you have read my review of the first book you will know that I loved Evan!!! Oh and Abby as well. They are just meant to be.
This book is suspense. It full of so many twists and turn. What more funny is that when this book was a WIP (work-in-progress) I had the chance to read a few snippets from here and there and the last bit of the ending which I totally loved when I read it the first time.
But HOLY SHIT!!! I was sure as hell not prepared for that ending! I mean talk about suspense, woman!
And really just bring out the 3rd book! No wait!! Not that quickly! Brin out after my exams. Yes. That would do :)
PS. Kimberly. Thank you for writing those badass action scenes. LOVED THEM!!
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