Blush (Rockstar #2) by Anne Mercier | BOOK REVIEW

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
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"You know how people say they woke up in Vegas married and you're like, how the hell could that possibly happen? Who does that? Well, us apparently… and the press is having a field day.
Let's not even get started on the topic of my mother. Then there's my grandpa wanting to meet my new husband--that's not scary at all. On top of that, we're heading out on tour and I'm a nervous wreck--factor in the fact that Jesse's newly changed marital status doesn't seem to be an issue for the groupies. Nothing deters them. Not even the fact that I'm standing right there when they proposition him.
I can handle the press, my mom, and even my grandpa. But the women who are ruining my current mood of "happy", well, they've got another thing coming. It's time to put these women in their place because nobody messes with my happily ever after. "
My Thoughts
I LOVED IT! Like really loved it.
The book continues from where Falling Down finished. Jesse and Lucy are married and in for a wild ride, the paparazzi, the fans or 'groupie whores' to be exact and the life long Russo-Mazzini rivalry.
“I’m a firm believer people don’t know what they want until they get it” Anne you really need to send a copy to M.Shadows. Like really. He would feel so special
This time Anne has incorporated quotes at the starting of every chapter which will make you think
(totally opposite of what she wants) They actually summarize every chapter, every feeling.
"I've got ninety-nine problems, but a bitch ain't one."
There are some very 'philosophical' quotes. Like the one below...
"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses."
The author stays true to what she said. She wanted a book with minimal angst and she delivered that. Cheers!
The humor and songs were AMAZING! AMAZE-BALLS! HILARIOUS! and we all know who is clown of the group... You don't? Well its none other than....
Xander Mackenzie also known as 'Xan my man.' This guy is the class clown. He is funny, charming, sweet, and completely adorable.
“Are y’all fuckin’ in there?” Xander asks, sounding country.
“Maybe,” Jesse answers with a smirk.
“Will it be time for Lucy’s meds again soon?”I look at the clock. “In an hour. Why?”
“Then you've got an hour. I like stoned Lucy.”
Lucy smiles softly. “I’ll be there, Xan my man.”
“Come hard, Luce my goose.”
“Xander,” she chides.
“Too far?” he asks with a smile in his voice.
“Just a little bit.”
“Still.” He pauses.
“Come hard and come often, oh married ones.” His voice trails off.
This time around we even heard the 'voices' of Kennedy and Ethan.
Oh but wait! There is this huge chunk which is shocking. I didn't even see it coming! I mean Damien and Cage are.... Sorry. Evil, I know but for that you will have to read the book. And lastly, Mama Russo. How can one forget her? She is truly an amazing mom who would do anything for her children(s)
The second half of the book is really interesting. If you are looking for a book that is angst free, where the protagonists are completely in love with a crazy ass Italian family and equally crazy friends then this is the book for you.
I knew a guy named Xander
I guess you could say he was a sex fiend
Met him in a hotel lobby Masturbating with a magazine
He said how’d you like to waste some time
And I could not resist when I saw little Xander grind
Best. Review. Ever.