BOOK REVIEW — The Real by Kate Stewart
The King of Woo and Witchy Woman, you two are some really special characters and I am so glad I took a chance on you are your creator.

This is my first Kate Stewart book and OMG! The emotions, the romance, the characters, the storyline — it was perfection!
Cameron a.k.a. The King of Woo and Abbie a.k.a Witchy Woman met at a coffee shop and their meeting is one of the many favourite things about this book and the way their relationship progressed, I have nothing but immense love for it.
No talking.
No baggage.
No past.
The last two rules were set by Abbie which was created for a reason but the first rule is conquered over time and their chemistry when they finally cave in... GAH!!!!
But mind you, the physical part of their relationship didn't come in to play until way later. The initial relationship is just getting to know each other and that was so swoon worthy! This is literally such a beautiful time in their relationship. Sure, there are a few questions that are off-limits but otherwise, they are nothing but an open book.
Abbie and Cameron are literally the perfect pair. There is swoon, there is soooooo much swoon and banter and laugh out loud moments. Abbie, with all her quirkiness, was absolutely adorable and I was in love with her in a snap and Cameron with his brand of alpha-ness combined with his sweet and gentle nature, I just couldn't get enough of these two.

This is one of those stories where you best go in without knowing anything about it because there is such a wonderful journey in between the pages that is waiting to be read.
The Real was one of those books for me that started out as sweet and sexy and fun and charming and then BOOM! You know, sometimes you are into the story and the author has put minimal clues to make you figure out things but then there is ONE SCENE where everything suddenly clicks into place? Yeah, that happened and hello, angst! I was missing you.
The angst in whole fit into the story beautifully and not for a moment it did feel forced into the story or out of place. It was more like a natural transition and that something that was nagging me at the back of my head was finally in the forefront and undone for me to read.
This book is about a deep-seated feeling between two people.
This book is about two people who met by chance at a coffee shop and create magic. It is about second chances, new beginnings, facing reality, forgiveness and healing.
The couple in real.
The love is real.
The story is real.
I couldn't get enough of this story and days later, here I am still thinking about it.
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