BOOK REVIEW — Crave (The Gibson Boys, #3) by Adriana Locke

I can always count on Adriana Locke to deliver a romance that is raw and real — to the point where I end up banging my head on the wall in frustration when they can't see what is right in front of them but I think that is the beauty of her books, what drew me to her books in the beginning and continue to do so.
I love Adriana's characters. Downright ADORE every single one of them so I can say this absolute resolve that I've never, ever, wanted to hit two Locke character's so much.
Machlan Gibson and Hadley Jacobs needed to be hit on their heads. With a chair, preferably. *shakes head*
Okay, now that that's out of the way.

Locke gives us a second chance small-town romance which is full of angst in Crave
Machlan met Hadley when he was 15 and she was 13 and it was a connection from the start. They grew up together and were each other's first love and safe place, one they could talk to about anything and everything.
Since that day, there had been many ups and downs faced by the two of them that made a chink in their armour one incident at a time. Their love, at the time, wasn't strong enough.
There was something that Grandma Gibson said that resonated with what Machlan and Hadley had experienced and faced as a couple. She said (and I am paraphrasing this) that sometimes when you are in a relationship with the right person, it just isn't the right time. Sometimes the two people need to step back and grow and learn and experience things as individuals and if it meant to be you will come back together. Your roots will be stronger and come what you will withstand any situation that is thrown your way.
Mach and Had fell in love when they were broken and dealing with their insecurities. Things happened, life happened and they didn't survive it.
They were never able to work out through their problems, through their insecurities but love was always present between them and what brought Hadley back to the small time of Linton.

There are tons of push and pull between the two of them. The frustration was so prominent between Hadley and Machlan... and me. LOL! I was waiting for Machlan to pull his head out of his ass but this boy is stubborn as a mule.
The emotions are running at an all-time high where these two are concerned. I loved seeing more Machlan and how his brain worked. It was nice to see things from the broody bartender's perspective
This is a book that I can and would recommend solely based on the raw intensity of the book. Tragedy, separation, loss, love, frustration and second-chances. This is as real as a romance can get for fiction.
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