BOOK REVIEW — Raw: Rebirth by Belle Aurora

I've waited for four years, FOUR FREAKING YEARS, for Belle Aurora to give us this book and hot-damn if I didn't enjoy every second of it.
Raw: Rebirth introduced me to the Dark Romance and made me fall in love with the dark and twisted man that is Antonio 'Twitch' Falco.
It's been six years since Twitch died, leaving behind his friends and family and more importantly Lexi and AJ. But now Twitch is back from the dead, literally, and things couldn't have been more amazing, heartbreaking and crazy at the same time.

I am not going into a full in-depth review because you need to experience the familiar yet newness of Twitch and Lexi and because I will turn this review in a thesis. Lol.
Six years after Raw, Lexi has surrounded herself with her family and while she still has tough days, her AJ is the light of her life.
Seeing Lexi come into her own, becoming a mother and fiercely protective and independent, made me feel so proud of the woman she had become.
And Twitch?! Oh boy... To see this control freak crazy man give control to Lexi and actually wait for her left me pleasantly surprised. Though that does not say he isn't the same old Twitch, the only difference is that now he is the perfect mix of the new and the old.
Also, don't even get me started on Twitch as a father. DAYUM!!

My favourite part of the entire book has to be when Twitch revealed himself and while I was elated that he was finally back and that AJ had his father back, it was Lexi who broke my heart to pieces.
Her disdainful and hate-filled words to Twitch, her pain, her entire world is tilted off of its axis, I wished so hard to wrap my arms around her.
Now, while I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the book, I wasn't too keen on the multiple points of views. Did it provide understanding and detail to the story? To a certain extent, yes. Does it mean I liked it? Nope. I honestly we could have done without so many points of views.
Overall, Raw: Rebirth is an absolute must-read for all Twitch and Lexi lovers. They were always special to me and to have had the chance to about them all these years later was truly amazing. There is heartbreak, action, romance and suspense. Twitch and Lexi are a couple that I will always hold close to my heart and now AJ too.
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